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Hard hats are required when shooting fireworks.

Wear safety glasses around all live material.

No smoking within 50 feet of live material.

No alcohol if you will be handling fireworks.
Hover over a safety item to learn more!

Long sleeve cotton shirt
(not synthetic)
Protects against flaming debris.

Cotton jeans
(not synthetic)
Protects against flaming debris.

Closed toed
(not synthetic)
Protects against flaming debris. Reduces the likelihood to trip.

Leather gloves
(not synthetic)
Protects against flaming debris.
Safety Glasses:
Protect from flying shrapnel and unexpected fires.

Hard Hat:
Protects from falling objects like rocket sticks and unburnt stars.

Protect from loud noises. Hearing damage occurs at 120 dB and fireworks can achieve 140+ dB

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